Rosa Vicento Sande

Rosa Vicento Sande

Rosa Vicento Sande greeted us with a cheerful smile and big hugs, wearing her white Care for Life shirt and a bright traditional wrap as a skirt. She had served as a CFL Health Educator and people still call her “Senora de Saude,” Mrs. Health. She told us, “Care for...
Rosa Vicento Sande

Eusesio Salimu Zamzam

Eusesio Salimu ZamZam shared with us his experience after the cyclone, when the government was overwhelmed and unable to help them in their need. He expounded, “During the cyclone we suffered very much. Afterwards, many people said, ‘We need someone to come take care...
Rosa Vicento Sande

Fernando Luis Mamboriso

Fernando Luis Mamboriso is an older, graying gentleman who moves slowly. He was a zone leader in Nazare. He supports his wife and six children by selling fish he buys from the seashore. “We were really bad after the cyclone,” he told us. “But we knew how to rebuild...
Rosa Vicento Sande


At 15 years old both of Alfred’s parents died and he along with his three younger brothers were left desperately alone. As orphans they banded together and Alfred scraped out a meager survival for them, living off of the negligible handouts of others. Everything...