The best news about the Family Preservation Program is that it is proven to work. These numbers come from a third party study measuring the success of our program. Click here to view the whole study.

Houses that have a:
Kitchen increased by 99.6%.
Adequate roof increased by 86.4%.
Adequate walls increased by 59.5%.

Families have:
A small family business increased by 80.7%.
Regular income generating activity increased by 57.9%.
A credit/savings increased by 534.8%.

88.4% of families registered with the government.
80% of adults over age 15 are literate.

96.2% of all families burn or bury their garbage.
Families that have their own latrine increased by 228%.
Families that use a table for their dishes increased by 103.7%.

Optimism in the community:
90.7% of families believe that life will be better in the future.
96.2% of individuals refrain from excessive alcohol use.
47.5% of families belief that the community will be better.

Healthy lifestyle:
91% of families drink treated water.
Families that sleep under a mosquito net increased by 137%.

Family nutrition:
Have a family garden increased by 135%.
Eat 3 meals a day increased by 51.9%.
Have a daily meal with vegetable and/or protein increased by 95.9%.

80-100% of village members participate in the Family Preservation Program.

Each family sets 8-10 goals every 6 months, when they achieve the goal they receive a reward.