by myntillae | Mar 31, 2021 | Macharote 3
Mr. Antônio Joaquim Guta 35 yrs married to Amelia José 29 yrs and they are in Macharote 3 Zone D. They have a child by the name of Joaquim Antônio Guta 11 yrs in grade 7. He does part time jobs in order for him to support his family. Mr. Gando Guente Nhamatanda 67...
by myntillae | Mar 31, 2021 | Macharote 3
Mr. Jonas José Gaca 31 yrs, married to Maria Celeste Foslunato 32 yrs and they don’t have children. They are in Macharote 3 Zone D. Jonas repairs TVs and radios for him to support his family. Mr. Gando Guente Nhamatanda 67 yrs, married to Mariazinha Farias 60yrs, they...
by myntillae | Mar 31, 2021 | Macharote 3
Mr. Dino Dina Luís 27 yrs is married to Emilia Ernesto 21yrs and they have one child who goes by the name of Ernesto Dino Dina 8 month’s. The father of the house is a taxi driver, and they are in Macharote 3 Zone D. Mr. Gando Guente Nhamatanda 67 yrs, married to...
by myntillae | Mar 31, 2021 | Macharote 3
Mr. Baltazar Nargnes Augostinho 41yrs married to Laura João 42 yrs and they don’t have children. They are in Macharote 3 Zone D. The husband does part time jobs, for him to support his family. Mr. Gando Guente Nhamatanda 67 yrs, married to Mariazinha Farias 60yrs,...
by myntillae | Mar 31, 2021 | Macharote 3
Mr. Antônio Jó Tesoura 76 yrs was absent during the photo shoot and he is married to Lucia Quembo 72 yrs, they are in Macharote 3, Zone D. The father of the house goes to Machamba to support his family and they live with one child and 2 grandchildren.Here are their...
by myntillae | Mar 31, 2021 | Macharote 3
Mr Domingos Simango 38 yrs was absent during the photo shoot. He is doing part time jobs for to support his family. They are in Macharote 3 Zone D, He is married to Ana Luís 30 yrs and has the following children, Ernesto Domingos Simango 9 yrs in grade 3, Simango...
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