by myntillae | Mar 31, 2021 | Ilah Village
Mr. Simao Bene Chapepa 65 years lives in Ilha Zone D He makes home made carpet’s and resales them at the local market. He is married to Antonia Joaquina 47 yrs, they have 4children who’s names are Humberto Simao Bene 18 yrs, Lordes Simao Bene 20yrs and the two of them...
by myntillae | Mar 31, 2021 | Ilah Village
Mr. Doliz Alberto José 38 yrs lives in Ilha Zone D. He sells charcoal to the local people to have food at his house. He is married to Ana Tome Francisco 36 yrs and they have 8 children, Flora Doliz Alberto 15 years in grade 8, Tome Doliz Alberto 13 yrs doing grade 7,...
by myntillae | Mar 31, 2021 | Ilah Village
Mr. Luís Taibo Marquês 42 yrs married to Rosa Fernando 38 yrs and their children are Salamo Luis 11 yrs doing grade 4, Otilia Luís 8 yrs in grade 2, Maria Luís 3 yrs. The father is a builder by profession and that’s how he supports his family. They are living in Ilha...
by myntillae | Mar 31, 2021 | Ilah Village
Mr. João Bernardo Bulande 30 yrs married to Maria Chacubora 30 yrs, they leave in Ilha Zone D, with their children Filipe Matias 8 yrs, Domingos João Bernardo 1, 5 month’s, Chacubora Manuel 8 yrs , Marços Bernardo 16 yrs a brother to the husband. The husband is a...
by myntillae | Mar 31, 2021 | Ilah Village
Mrs. Helena Rose Maulano 52 yrs, she stays in Ilha Zone D with her grandson and they are doing Machamba to help have food She stays with: Jovito Domingos Bangue 13 yrs, and Mario Bene Mario 10 yrs See more Ilah...
by myntillae | Mar 31, 2021 | Ilah Village
Mrs.Albertina Luís Manguere 54 yrs she’s staying in Ilha Zone D with her granddaughter’s, Albertina José 14 yrs doing grade 9 , Francisca Bernardo 14 yrs. Mrs. Albertina she divorced with her husband and she is forced to take care of the children and goes to Machamba...
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