Iliah zone E -Her name is Mrs. Farai João Filipe 41yrs, the husband went to Machipanda to look for work. The family is composed of Frangul Antonio 15yrs, Julio Antonio 9yrs and João Antonio 1yr. In order for them to have food on their table, they have to go to the fields. The lady works very hard to o help the husband and the family. Most of the goals she is the one who works very hard to achieve them.
Mr. Jonito Joao Jone is 47yrs old and is married to Laura Vicente Joao who is 48yrs and when l visited
this family, she was absent. The two they have 5 children:
1. Antonio Jonito Joao has 21yrs doing 12 th grade
2. Joaquim Jonito Joao has 18yrs and is doing 10 th grade
3. Osvaldo Jonito Joao has 15yrs in 9 th grade and he is the one on the left-hand side on this picture
4. Germias Jonito Joao has 8yrs and doing grade 2 and he is on the right-hand side on this picture,
the other boy it’s his friend
They are in Ilhia Zone A
They said they are still learning from CFL since this is their 2 nd yr. in the program, but up to now
they have managed to build this kitchen at their back because of goals, and he promised that he
is going to work so hard so that he manages to build his latrine.