Exciting things continue to happen at Care for Life. Recently Brad Andrews, a Care for Life board member, appeared in a segment on ABC4 News called Good Things Utah. Brad discussed becoming involved with Care for Life and his trip to Mozambique earlier this year. During that trip, he witnessed Care for Life’s indispensable work, and his passion for Care for Life’s mission flourished as he saw first-hand the organization’s impact.

Good Things Utah praised Care for Life’s different approach to helping families become more healthy and more self-reliant. Brad explained that Care for Life works with the poorest of the poor, providing hope and direction through education, teaching people needed life-skills to improve not only their own lives but their family’s lives, and the lives of those living in their village.
Meeting the people in the villages of Mozambique stirred and inspired Brad, and he noted the people’s countenances lit up as they shared Care for Life’s significance to them. “It was an incredible experience….it truly changed my life,” he said.
Click here to watch the full interview.