José Manhar Ponda Family

José Manhar Ponda Family

Mr. José Manhar Ponda 65yrs stays in Ilha Zone D, married to Teresa João Dacasse 53yrs. The two are married for 10 yrs and they don’t have children, they go to Machamba for them to have food. See more Ilah...
Chadreque Sala Family

Chadreque Sala Family

Mr. Chadreque Sala 34yrs he was absent during the photo shoot. He is a builder, that’s how he support his family, he lives in Ilha Zone D. He is married to Marta Jose Januário 30yrs, they have 8 children. Timóteo Chadreque 11 years in grade 5, José Chadreque 8yrs in...
José Gente Family

José Gente Family

Mr. José Gente 35yrs, is a builder and he was absent during our photo shoot, because he traveled to Choimoi to do his work. Married to Eva Raul dos Santos 28yrs, they have the following children, Lucas Jorge 9yrs in grade 2, Carlito Jorge 7yrs in grade 1, Joaquim José...
Simao Bene Chapepa Family

Simao Bene Chapepa Family

Mr. Simao Bene Chapepa 65 years lives in Ilha Zone D He makes home made carpet’s and resales them at the local market. He is married to Antonia Joaquina 47 yrs, they have 4children who’s names are Humberto Simao Bene 18 yrs, Lordes Simao Bene 20yrs and the two of them...
Simao Bene Chapepa Family

Doliz Alberto José Family

Mr. Doliz Alberto José 38 yrs lives in Ilha Zone D. He sells charcoal to the local people to have food at his house. He is married to Ana Tome Francisco 36 yrs and they have 8 children, Flora Doliz Alberto 15 years in grade 8, Tome Doliz Alberto 13 yrs doing grade 7,...