Armando Ranguene Tapia is the father of the family and he 65 yrs. He goes to Savanna to buy chacine for reselling here in Dondo, he leaves very early in the morning and come back at night every day from Monday to Sunday and they are from Ilha Zone A. Mrs Lucia CardoJoao is 62yrs, she is the one with a green blouse, Joana Armando Ranguene is 25 yrs she is her daughter and she once got married and get devoiced with 2 children. She does not work she helps the family to sell charcoal inorder for them to have food on their table. Elder Armando Rangane 17 yrs he is grade 12 and he works together with her sister to help do the goals for the family. Winete Yob Mamandama 4yrs and he is grand son, not yet going to school, Sadique Yobe Mamandama 2yrs