Mrs. Angela Caetano 41 yrs, she stays in Macharote 3 Zone E and she lives with her children, Amelia Deve Araujo 22yrs she finished grade 12 and she wants to do nursing, Domingas Deve Araujo 20yrs, she is not in the picture because she was at the market selling vegetables and other food staff for the family as a family business, Faina Deve Araujo 16yrs she is doing grade 8. The father passed away in 2009 and the family buys vegetables and other items for resale.
Mr. Gando Guente Nhamatanda 67 yrs, married to Mariazinha Farias 60yrs, they live with their daughter and grandson. Tina Gando Guente 23yrs not working, Josene Miques 5 yrs and Banete Miques 10 yrs . They are in Macharote 3 Zone C and they do agriculture to support the family.