Mr. José Paulo João 44yrs and lives in Ilha Zone C. He supports his family with the arts that he does. He is married to Sara Francisco Zomunhica 35 yrs. Thier children are as follows, Elisa José Paula João 20 yrs not working doing nothing, Luisa José Paulo 15 yrs doing grade 8, Moraca Jose Paulo 30yrs, not married, not doing anything, Francisco José Paulo 13 in grade 7, Paulo José Paulo 9yrs in grade 6, Alberto José Paulo 6yrs not yet going to school, Augusto José Paulo 3 yrs, Xavier Mauro 6 yrs was absent during the photo shoot. Eliza is making Shima in the vidoe. It is a staple food like rice. They add fish or sauces or vegetables to eat with it.